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How You Can Help The Cause

The most obvious thing you can do is to just stop using straws altogether.  If lots of people do this then the companies who make straws will see this as a dip in the straw industry, and might stop making straws.


If you still want to sip from a straw, there are many eco-friendly ways to use straws. One of those ways is to use a reusable straw. For example, you can buy silicone straws off amazon for only $1.50 apiece. Paper straws are also a solution, because they are designed to decompose in water, i.e. the ocean.


Also, remember to ask for NO plastic straw when you go to a restaurant or business that serves plastic straws.  When we conducted our surveys and collected data on straw use and numbers, we found that most servers at restaraunts bring guests straws without asking.  Even if you don't want a straw, if you don't say anything, you will get one! 


We are also trying to get the local Austin government to ban plastic straws, so all businesses will be required to find alternatives.  We have a small group of students that will meet soon with public officials to try and convince them of this change. 


If that doesn't work, we are also trying to collaborate with local businesses.  Alamo Drafthouse and Franklin BBQ have agreed to meet with a small group of students to hear our presentations.  We will share with them why plastic straws are bad, and possible solutions.  We hope to make a difference and help save our planet, one straw at a time!

plastic straws
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